Downtown Edmonton office vacancy hole grows to 24 per cent

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Slightly more office space became available in Edmonton’s Downtown in the second quarter of 2023, new data show.

The same trend existed in major centres across the country, according to global real estate service and investment firm CBRE Limited.

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The office vacancy rate in Downtown Edmonton rose to 24.1 per cent in the second quarter of 2023, up from 23.5 per cent in the first quarter. By comparison, downtown vacancy was 15.8 per cent in Toronto, 11.5 per cent in Vancouver, 17 per cent in Montreal and 15.1 per cent in Ottawa.

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Calgary continues to lead the country at 35.1 per cent, although that figure has dropped for four straight quarters.

“Calgary is also working its way through several office building conversion projects, which will reduce inventory,” according to the report. “In this regard the Downtown Development Incentive Program has been quite successful.”

CBRE notes the recent provincial election could impact the Edmonton market, and sooner than later. “Should the public sector shrink under provincial leadership, more space could be expected to be returned to the market over the near term.”

Physical occupancy is increasing as more companies return to in-person work, even part-time, but two large blocks of land became available when AECOM downsized and Finning subleased its space in the west end.

The national vacancy rate climbed to its highest point since 1994 at 18.1 per cent. There’s also an all-time high 16.8 million square feet of vacant space available for sublease across Canada, 2.5 million square feet more than at this time last year.

The most recent CBRE market scan says that across the country, a “perfect storm” of many of the same forces are at play — the threat of recession, lingering uncertainty around remote work, the “rightsizing” of tenants who find they have more space than they can fill, and a new supply of office space.

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The company notes that cities in Canada are faring better than many of their counterparts in the United States, with downtown office vacancy at 24 per cent in Los Angeles, 29.4 per cent in San Francisco and 31.3 per cent in Dallas/Fort Worth.

“Canadian market sentiment is heavily influenced by headlines that originate in cities such as San Francisco, Chicago or New York, but the comparison is apples to oranges in many respects,” says CBRE Canada chairman Paul Morassutti. “We would further note that when you dig beyond the general vacancy numbers, a clear pattern of (division) is emerging. Not all markets and not all assets are equal.”

Industrial remains strong

The story flips for industrial space in Edmonton. More than half of new industrial square footage that came onto the market in the second quarter in Edmonton was leased before it was move-in ready.

“Continued demand for all types of industrial space coupled with a relative lack of large-scale distribution facilities is driving strong pre-leasing activity in new builds,” the CBRE report states. “Over 800,000 square feet of the 1.4 million square feet delivered in Q2 2023 was delivered pre-leased, equal to 56.7 per cent.”

The firm said 20.5 per cent of the one million square feet of new industrial space to become available next quarter is similarly pre-leased.

A new 170,000-square-foot Building 2A at QuadReal’s Anthony Henday Business Park is now partially enclosed and on schedule for Q3 2023 completion. CBRE states that foundation work is underway on Building 2B, too, which will add 254,000 square feet of new space in Q1 2024.

“Crestpoint’s 207,000-square-foot Building E at Northport Business Park is in the finishing stages of construction and on schedule for July 2023 fixturing.”

Originally Appeared Here

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