Edmonton weather: Chance of sizzle, storm, smoke, high 28 C

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This Brazilian feel will tumble into Sunday, then Monday, when Edmonton is set to strike a high of 30 C.

Published Jul 22, 2023  •  Last updated 2 hours ago  •  2 minute read

(left to right) The Czech Republic's Barbora Hermannova and Marie-Sara Stochlova take on Canada's Sarah Pavan and Molly McBain at the Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Challenge in downtown Edmonton, Friday, July 21, 2023. The event runs until July 23 in the fan park outside Rogers Place. Photo by David Bloom (left to right) The Czech Republic’s Barbora Hermannova and Marie-Sara Stochlova take on Canada’s Sarah Pavan and Molly McBain at the Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Challenge in downtown Edmonton, Friday, July 21, 2023. The event runs until July 23 in the fan park outside Rogers Place. Photo by David Bloom Photo by David Bloom /David Bloom/Postmedia

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A look at Saturday’s Edmonton weather by Environment Canada.

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It’s 19 C at the Edmonton Blatchford weather station Saturday morning, with 3 km/h winds from the east, southeast.

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Did we wake up in Brasília? There is beach volleyball, food, frolic and fun sprinkled across the city, where we are in for a high of 28 C, with morning risk of showers, maybe even a thunderstorm to sweep out lingering wildfire smoke.

The recent wet weather relief has also resulted in sightings of Edmonton’s most popular snake, the western red-sided garter, spotted sidewinding through river valley trails. And of course, our urban jungle is not without its rain-fostered mosquitoes, triggering a health authority warning to cover up and use bug spray to shield ourselves from that so-2003 virus threat, West Nile.

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The damp collusion has also bred an abundance of dragonflies, helping to gobble up so many blood-suckers. And, dare I say, mosquito-seeking bats have been witnessed whipping around these parts, too. Bless all the winged, pest-consuming creatures!

This Brazilian feel will tumble into Sunday, then Monday, when Edmonton is set to strike a high of 30 C.

Today’s forecast

Today: Mix of sun and cloud with 30 per cent chance of showers in the morning, risk of a thunderstorm. Local smoke. High 28 C. Humidex 31. UV index 7 or high.

Tonight: Partly cloudy with 30 per cent chance of showers overnight. Local smoke. Low 16 C.

Tomorrow: Mix of sun and cloud, 30 per cent chance of showers. Local smoke. High 27 C. Humidex 32. UV index 7 or high.

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Sunrise: 5:33 a.m.

Sunset: 9:47 p.m.


Max: 23 C

Min: 12 C


Max: 28.3 C

Min: 15.4 C

Precipitation: 0.0 mm

On This Day (1996-2022)

Highest temperature: 34.5 C in 2006

Lowest temperature: 9.7 C in 2011

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Volleyball Slovenia’s Tajda Lovsin and Tjasa Kotnik take on Brazil’s Antunes Talita and Coradello Thamela during the Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Challenge in downtown Edmonton, Friday, July 21, 2023. The event runs until July 23 in the fan park outside Rogers Place. Photo by David Bloom Photo by David Bloom /David Bloom/Postmedia Taste of Edmonton Edmontonians take in the Taste of Edmonton in Churchill Square, Friday, July 21, 2023. This year’s Taste of Edmonton runs until July 30. Photo by David Bloom Photo by David Bloom /David Bloom/Postmedia Weather Friends Libby Dardis and Claudia Karch launched their kayaks from Emily Murphy for a paddle on the North Saskatchewan River to the Capilano Boat Launch on July 21, 2023. Photo by Shaughn Butts-Postmedia Photo by Shaughn Butts /Shaughn Butts

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