Letters, Aug. 27: Don’t give control of Edmonton river valley to feds

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Do we really only have three voices of reason on city council? Administration is trying to convince the council that allowing the federal government to be involved in any part of the river valley will not give the feds any control. What rock have these people been hiding under? When was the last time the federal government did anything for Alberta without extracting every ounce (yes not grams) of control possible? Unfortunately there’s too many members of council with Liberal leanings and they believe everything administration says. They haven’t brought this to the people yet and I’m not sure that they will. If you don’t want the feds controlling our river valley contact your council member and tell them you don’t want this to happen. Be another voice of reason.

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(This issue really should be decided by plebiscite.)


Re: Pedestrian hit (Aug. 25). When will our self-centred, incompetent politicians realize that we need a law that makes it illegal to pass a vehicle stopped, for any reason, at an intersection, at a speed exceeding 15 km/h. I call this shooting the gap. How many people must die? How many accidents must we have? I firmly believe that the truck driver is guilty and should be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps the charge could be, driving without care and attention. Enough is enough.


(Common sense should tell us to slow down when traffic is stopped at an intersection.)


By now I would have thought that any person with half a brain could connect the dots between climate change and the worldwide scourge of wildfires, floods, warming oceans, heat domes and atmospheric rivers that are becoming commonplace. But sadly the letter by R. Pocius (Carbon tax scam, Aug. 24) has proved me wrong. Humanity must realize that we are at a point where CO2 and methane emissions must be reduced by universally adopting cleaner sources of energy, and by reducing demand for fossil fuels. If reducing that demand involves implementing carbon taxes or other “incentives” then so be it. Page 4 of the Aug. 24 Edmonton Sun features a must-read article entitled “Astronomical Costs.” These costs will end up costing us exponentially more than any carbon tax unless we change our way of thinking.

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(Maybe this could all be accomplished without artificially increasing costs.)


What really matters, I wonder? After hearing that Edmonton city councillors debate how much extra they’re willing to spend on properly funding the essential Edmonton Police Service. This is a no-brainer, debate not required, ever. Where are your priorities after expensive bike-lane funding? Sure hope it starts to address Edmonton’s explosive crime statistics. Fear of being or going to the city centre, riding public transit are daily concerns for your constituents. What’s your response?


(People need to feel safe Downtown.)


News that Kleenex brand tissues will no longer be available in Canada is, in itself, not a big deal. However it joins an increasing number of popular consumer brands like Bugles, Delissio, and numerous others that have vanished from Canadian shelves over the last few years. While some of this is in the realm of normal business activity, the inordinate number of consumer products being withdrawn from the Canadian market recently leaves many of us concerned. While we’ve apparently been ‘back’ since 2015, are we actually still open for business?


(These losses are nothing to sniff at.)

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Originally Appeared Here

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