Local creative agency merges with Edmonton peer – Winnipeg Free Press

A Winnipeg-based creative agency has merged with an Edmonton peer, growing its presence in Western Canada.

“It became a pretty easy next step to say, ‘Hey, if this is better for everyone, maybe there’s a path forward for this — being one collective team,’” said Derek Elliott, co-founder of Brandish Agency.

His staff of 20 melded with Red the Agency, an Edmonton firm, last week. Brandish has helmed advertising campaigns for local organizations like Sport Manitoba; Red has worked with the Edmonton Oilers, government agencies and private brands during its 23-year history.

                                Derek Elliott, a co-founder of Brandish Agency.


Derek Elliott, a co-founder of Brandish Agency.

Brandish launched in 2016. Recent years — including during the pandemic — have seen an emphasis on social media-based advertisements and online campaigns.

The merger comes as Elliott believes there will be “huge resurgence” in other forms of advertising.

Advertising on social media platforms like Facebook has become harder because of technology companies’ stances on privacy, he said.

Company sponsorships, advertisements via different mediums and purposeful community investments are among the messaging Brandish is leaning into.

“People are changing really fast… and we need to keep up with them,” Elliott said. “We need to understand what’s relevant to them and we need to help brands connect with them in really authentic ways.”

He met leads at Red the Agency in 2019. In 2022, the two companies started conversations about merging.

“It was kind of a more is more situation,” Elliott stated. “We take similar approaches to the work, but I think… our collective perspective just has a bit of a refresh.”

There haven’t been any layoffs, he continued. Collectively, Brandish and Red have 25 staff. They’ll keep their own names in their respective provinces.

“It gives us the opportunity to have a foundation out east,” said Lori Billey, Red the Agency’s managing partner. “That’s important for our clients based here.”

                                Lori Billey is Red the Agency’s managing partner.


Lori Billey is Red the Agency’s managing partner.

The new company is determining how it’ll split clients’ projects; most customers reside in Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario.

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Brandish / Red is competing against worldwide agencies. The merger brings its customers more options, Billey noted.

Brandish implemented a four-day work week in September of 2021.

“(We’re) not just trying to win as a company,” Elliott stated. “We’re trying to demonstrate that we can still produce… while doing these things.”

The four-day work week hasn’t negatively impacted the company, he added.

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Gabrielle Piché

Gabrielle Piché

Gabby is a big fan of people, writing and learning. She graduated from Red River College’s Creative Communications program in the spring of 2020.

Originally Appeared Here

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