Top 1 per cent wealthiest responsible for same amount of carbon emissions as bottom 66 per cent

Top 1 per cent wealthiest responsible for same amount of carbon emissions as bottom 66 per cent

A new report has found that the top one per cent of earners are disproportionately driving the climate crisis, and researchers are calling for substantially higher taxes on income, wealth and corporate profits to fix it. Subscribe to CTV News…

2022 was U.K.'s hottest year on record since 1800s, climate report shows

2022 was U.K.’s hottest year on record since 1800s, climate report shows

A new report from the U.K.’s weather service shows last year to be the hottest year on record since the 1800s, and scientists believe these scorching summers could be a new normal in the country. »»» Subscribe to CBC News…