Communities are seeing a lot of emotion and anger, says Canada's new special envoy on antisemitism

Communities are seeing a lot of emotion and anger, says Canada’s new special envoy on antisemitism

Rosemary Barton speaks with Deborah Lyons, Canada’s new special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism, about the rise in antisemitic incidents across Canada and why leaders and schools need to do more to combat hate. “This is an…

Calls for Ottawa to release documents naming alleged Nazi war criminals in Canada

Calls for Ottawa to release documents naming alleged Nazi war criminals in Canada

Rosemary Barton Live speaks with Irwin Cotler, Canada’s special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism, and B’nai Brith honorary counsel David Matas on calls for Ottawa to release a report containing details about alleged Nazi war criminals living…