Is 'war-time' housing a solution to Canada's crisis? | About That

Is ‘war-time’ housing a solution to Canada’s crisis? | About That

The federal government is reviving a war-time plan for pre-approved home designs to accelerate building across the country. Andrew Chang breaks down why it takes so long to build housing in Canada, and whether a new version of the plan…

How much federal debt is too much for Canada? | About That

How much federal debt is too much for Canada? | About That

Canada’s deficit is expected to grow to $1.4 trillion in the next five years. Andrew Chang explains that, while high national debt differs from personal debt, experts say it does come with a price. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to…

Born in the '90s: How likely is it that you own a home? | About That

Born in the ’90s: How likely is it that you own a home? | About That

According to Statistics Canada, children of homeowners are much more likely to own homes themselves. Andrew Chang breaks down the numbers to explain just how wide a gap there is and what factors come into play. »»» Subscribe to CBC…