Health risks worsen for newborns and 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza

Health risks worsen for newborns and 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza

The health-care situation for women in Gaza due to Israeli airstrikes and an expanded ground offensive is worsening. The UN estimates there are some 50,000 pregnant women in the city, with more than 160 giving birth each day. The lack…

IDF strikes neighbouring Syria in response to rocket launches toward Israel

IDF strikes neighbouring Syria in response to rocket launches toward Israel

The Israeli Defense Forces say they have carried out a new round of airstrikes against military infrastructure in Syria, in response to rocket launches from the country toward Israel on Sunday. The Israeli military also intensified its fight against Hezbollah…

Israel ramps up ground operation in Gaza, supported by air and naval strikes

Israel ramps up ground operation in Gaza, supported by air and naval strikes

Israel has expanded ground operations in Gaza, backed up by intensified attacks from the air and sea. Phone and internet systems have been knocked out sparking a new wave of fear. Families and friends of the hostages being held in…