This Winnipeg teen saved a boy being mauled by a coyote

This Winnipeg teen saved a boy being mauled by a coyote

Jill Macyshon reports on the heroism of a Winnipeg teenager who saved a young boy from being viciously attacked by a coyote. Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: Connect with CTV News: For the latest news visit: For…

CTV National News for Monday, June 26, 2023: Trudeau on coup in Russia, Petro-Canada stations hacked

CTV National News for Monday, June 26, 2023: Trudeau on coup in Russia, Petro-Canada stations hacked

The attempted coup in Russia weighed heavy as Trudeau met with Nordic leaders; rain could give Quebec, Ontario relief from smoke. CTV National News: Trudeau on coup in Russia (0:00) CTV National News: Smog shrouds Quebec, Ontario (3:39) CTV National…