It's the job of the Speaker and their staff to assess guests for political risk, former Speaker says

It’s the job of the Speaker and their staff to assess guests for political risk, former Speaker says

DESC: Anthony Rota resigned as Speaker last week after a veteran who fought with the Nazis was honoured in the House of Commons. Former House Speaker Geoff Regan says it’s not the Parliamentary Protective Service’s job to assess guests for…

CTV National News for Thursday, September 28, 2023: Moe threatens injunction, Nijjar's friend speaks

CTV National News for Thursday, September 28, 2023: Moe threatens injunction, Nijjar’s friend speaks

The premier of Saskatchewan has threatened to overrule a judges injunction against his province’s controversial pronoun policy for children. CTV National News: Moe threatens policy injunction (0:00) CTV National News: Friend of Nijjar speaks out (3:31) CTV National News: Hunka…

CTV National News for Tuesday, September 26, 2023: Speaker resigns; Doctor under seige

CTV National News for Tuesday, September 26, 2023: Speaker resigns; Doctor under seige

House Speaker Anthony Rota has resigned after he invited a WWII veteran who fought for the Nazi’s into Parliament. CTV National News: Rota resigns as house speaker (0:00) CTV National News: Will Hunka be extradited? (4:43) CTV National News: Doctor…

House Speaker Anthony Rota apologizes after inviting man who fought for Nazis to Parliament

House Speaker Anthony Rota apologizes after inviting man who fought for Nazis to Parliament

Several Jewish advocacy organizations condemned members of Parliament on Sunday for giving a standing ovation to a man who fought for a Nazi unit during the Second World War. During Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Ottawa on Friday, MPs…