{"id":8801,"date":"2023-08-10T04:47:21","date_gmt":"2023-08-10T04:47:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/edmontondailynews.com\/?p=8801"},"modified":"2023-08-10T04:47:21","modified_gmt":"2023-08-10T04:47:21","slug":"signs-of-an-internal-revolt-against-edmontons-police-chief","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/edmontondailynews.com\/signs-of-an-internal-revolt-against-edmontons-police-chief\/","title":{"rendered":"Signs of an Internal Revolt Against Edmonton\u2019s Police Chief"},"content":{"rendered":"

A policing expert says sharp criticism of Edmonton’s police chief by the union representing officers reveals serious morale and leadership trust issues.<\/p>\n

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The Tyee obtained the June edition of the internal association newsletter Rank & File. It contains a litany of complaints about Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee, especially from Edmonton Police Association vice-president Cory Kerr, who clearly knew McFee and other senior officers would read his missive.<\/p>\n

\u201cSeeing as there are those in a leadership role in the EPS [Edmonton Police Service] that do take the time to read our newsletter and likely this article, the EPA needs you to understand something:<\/p>\n

\u201cYour membership isn\u2019t happy with the way you are running things,\u201d Kerr wrote, and then listed numerous grievances with the management of the police service.\u00a0<\/p>\n

The Tyee provided the newsletter to University of Alberta criminologist Temitope Oriola.\u00a0<\/p>\n

\u201cAt the minimum,\u201d Oriola said, \u201cKerr\u2019s statement suggests there are major trust and morale issues within the EPS and deep division between the leadership and rank-and-file. This is alarming and deeply concerning.\u201d<\/p>\n

An Edmonton police spokesperson said McFee was away on holiday and would not comment.\u00a0<\/p>\n

In a statement the spokesperson said the chief and his senior staff respected the association\u2019s \u201cpassionate\u201d advocacy for its members and she said the EPS and EPA would \u201ccontinue to engage regularly on a variety of issues.\u201d<\/p>\n

In the newsletter, Kerr tells McFee members are \u201ctired and overworked\u201d and \u201chave had enough.<\/p>\n

\u201cThey are tired of doing more with less,\u201d he said, and \u201cthey are tired of the constant and never-ending change in your organization.\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n

The members are tired of \u201cnepotism,\u201d Kerr said, although he provided no specific examples and he declined to comment or clarify if he was mistaking nepotism for cronyism.<\/p>\n

Another section in the newsletter entitled Cheers and Jeers states: \u201cJeers to the cronyism from the top. Members are disgusted by it and would rather see people provided positions based on merit, not because of who you know.\u201d<\/p>\n

Kerr criticized the UCP government\u2019s push to deploy more provincial sheriffs in cities like Edmonton and Calgary to address what the government claims is a spike in disorder, especially on public transit.\u00a0<\/p>\n



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\u201cHaving Sheriffs invade our work areas is just the beginning,\u201d he wrote. \u201cThe EPA will continue to fight for our members each step of the way to ensure their rights and their pensions are protected.\u201d<\/p>\n

Kerr tells McFee that it is \u201ctime you started taking care of your people\u201d and he reiterated the association\u2019s demand that the EPS conduct a survey of its employees.<\/p>\n

\u201cThe EPA has called for an Employee Engagement Survey so that every single person in the EPS that sits in a senior management position can become truly aware of how the membership feels about how the EPS is operating and those that operate it,\u201d Kerr states.<\/p>\n

\u201cThere are reasons behind the fact that we have people retiring and resigning in large numbers and the EPS needs to hear why. We push so hard for recruiting, but what is going to be done regarding retention?\u201d<\/p>\n

Alex Shaw, a police association director, wrote in the newsletter that in 2022, 97 members left the EPS through retirement or resignations while only 96 new members were recruited.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Even with the loss of a single staff position, Shaw said, \u201cthere was and still is a massive trickle-down effect that complicates issues with backfilling positions, transfers to specialized units, and potential pension concerns if this trend continues.\u201d<\/p>\n

Shaw said that as of June, 45 members had left the service, although he noted the UCP government had provided funding to hire an additional 50 members in 2023 for street-level enforcement, bringing the total new recruits to 140.\u00a0<\/p>\n

The association now represents 1,960 officers.<\/p>\n

Oriola said all labour organizations seek to promote the interests and welfare of their members, but he said \u201cpolice associations are unique in the brazenness of their tactics and full-blown public questioning of senior hierarchy. This depicts fractious relationships. There have been cases of failed police leadership partly because they were undermined from within.\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n



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Oriola said there is no indication McFee has not been taking care of officers, \u201cparticularly in relation to excessive use of force. For instance, the names of officers involved in problematic use of force are seldom released despite public interest and consternation of families of victims.\u201d<\/p>\n

McFee \u201chas not held his officers to rigorous disciplinary standards when it comes to problematic use of force cases,\u201d Oriola said. \u201cHe rarely issues public condemnations of such conduct\u201d and instead relies on investigations by the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team to hold officers publicly to account.\u00a0<\/p>\n



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\u201cTo be clear, there are jurisdictions where the police chief makes clear their stance on officer behaviour prior to full investigations to determine disciplinary measures,\u201d Oriola said. \u201cMcFee\u2019s approach can arguably lead to obfuscation of the values of a police service.\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n

Oriola said he was \u201cbefuddled\u201d by Kerr\u2019s claims that officers are being asked to do more with less \u201cgiven the enormous resources the City of Edmonton provides the EPS. The EPS is one of the most well-resourced police organizations in Canada.\u201d<\/p>\n

This latest revelation about the fractious relationship between the chief and the association foreshadows Edmonton city council\u2019s Aug. 23 debate over a muti-year police funding formula.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Council members have previously been divided over increasing funding to police based on a formula as opposed to a set budget approved by city council.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Mayor Amarjeet Sohi and several other councillors had argued against a funding formula, saying the police service should have to come before council and justify funding increases the same as other services, such as the fire department.\u00a0<\/p>\n

The police budget in 2022 was $407 million. This year, the city is spending at least $414 million on policing under the funding formula, the highest per capita in Alberta and among the highest in Canada.\u00a0<\/p>\n

If you have any information for this story, or information for another story, please contact Charles Rusnell in confidence via email. \"<\/p>\n

Originally Appeared Here<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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