Edmonton Considering Sprawl Control Measures

The Edmonton, Alberta City Council is considering a “substantial completion standard,” which would limit development approvals in 91 developing neighborhoods around the city.

“The substantial completion standard would require all developing areas to be built-out with appropriate amenities like retail stores, parks, and in some areas schools, libraries and recreation centres, before the city approves further developments,” reports Natasha Riebe in an article for the CBC. The city’s urban planning and economy department recently presented the standards to a council committee.

“Of the 295 residential neighbourhoods in Edmonton, 91 are in the developing areas such as Ellerslie, the southwest, west Henday and the far northeast, the report says. Those neighbourhoods need to be completed before future growth areas, should council agree to the new standard,” explains Riebe.

Edmonton city councilors say that controlling sprawl “is crucial to keep the budget in line as the city struggles to provide basic services,” according to Riebe.

More on the political debate about the new rules, including references to 15-minute city concepts and density, are include in the source article, linked below.

Originally Appeared Here

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